Bucks Herald readers have their say on whether they believe the coronavirus lockdown has been eased too soon

Yesterday England'sChief Medical officer Chris Witty said the second wave of Coronavirus could be 'more severe' than the first and could spread 'more rapidly if it arrives in winter'.Yesterday England'sChief Medical officer Chris Witty said the second wave of Coronavirus could be 'more severe' than the first and could spread 'more rapidly if it arrives in winter'.
Yesterday England'sChief Medical officer Chris Witty said the second wave of Coronavirus could be 'more severe' than the first and could spread 'more rapidly if it arrives in winter'.
The Bucks Herald readers have had their say on whether they believe the lockdown has been eased too soon.

In response to an article we wrote yesterday about Buckinghamshire's residents spending more time in our parks, our readers have had their say on whether lockdown has been lifted too soon.

Here's what our readers had to say.

Kevin Hardern: Yes. The Police should have come down heavy on parties and beaches and not focused on Cummings for the last week. They haven't been tough enough.

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Farhath Jarral: I wonder why all the MPs are not back in the House of Commons if it safe enough to send kids back into school? And no news on Eton and other private schools re-opening before September.

Maybe the death toll is still not what this government wanted to achieve in their 'herd immunity' strategy?

Marina Trigg: Definitely. Too many people have and are abusing the lockdown, I think we're all at risk. I truly hope I'm wrong. Perhaps ask the question Do you think the lockdown was lifted too early? In 2 weeks time.

Roger King I have read that Covid-19 will always be with us so by that reckoning the lockdown could never really end. It has to start somewhere or sometime otherwise the country will be bust, if it isn't already and there will be large scale social unrest. Don't forget for delivery drivers, dustman, postman, supermarket workers & NHS staff there has never been a lockdown. And most are paid a pittance.

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Lynnette Baldwin: Without doubt! I just hope that those who have broken the lockdown and I’ve seen them are not the ones who are sending their young children back to school, and the older ones who are in the parks in groups and once again I’ve seen them, blame going back to school as the reason for a 2nd peak in cases in a few weeks!

Paula Kirby: I think it's time to realise the " lockdown" isn't over just because you have the opportunity to meet up , go to work , send your kids to school doesn't mean you have to rush out and do so. Think for yourself! Do you need to see your friend right now for a distance picnic? Do you need to send your child to school? Do you need to go and buy those shorts in town? Do you need to return to the office rather than continue to work at home?

There is no right or wrong answer as each situation is yours and yours alone. It not wrong to send the kids to school it's not wrong to keep them home because you can.

It's not wrong to return to the office because your struggling to work from home but then it's not bad to work from home because actually your more productive not having a 3h commute a day

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Linda Harris: Yes. School reopening far too soon with infection rates at 8k per day and promised tracing procedures not in place. This is reason enough to halt that plan. Now lockdown easing too fast to placate and distract people after the Cummings farce. I don’t believe a word they say.

Tina Maria Erskine: Yes. Look at China. They were in lockdown well over 3 months, they have new cases. The only problem is without a cure, this Virus is going nowhere. I don't think it can be cured. Look at the Flu. The vaccine is just to lower the strain, it doesn't stop it. Unfortunately we all at some point need to build a immunity to it.

Steve Penny: Yes! We should have followed the Spanish example. Instant heavy fines for breaking the strictest set of rules. No confusion to allow people to “ interpret and use common sense “.

Yesterday England's Chief Medical officer Chris Witty said the second wave of Coronavirus could be 'more severe' than the first and could spread 'more rapidly if it arrives in winter'.

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Every country seeking to ease lockdown measures now must negotiate an “extremely difficult balancing act” to keep the pandemic under control, Professor Chris Whitty said in an online Gresham College lecture.

He stressed the importance of keeping the virus reproduction number under 1.

You can watch his lecture in the attached video.